


Cytosine is an important intermediate in fine chemicals, pesticides and pharmaceuticals, especially in the field of medicine. As well as 5-fluorocytosine, cytosine nucleoside and cytosine nucleotide can be used as raw materials for increasing white blood cells.


Used as food additives, feed additives, pharmaceutical raw materials, amino acids. Used as a medicine, it has the functions of anti-oxidation, scavenging free radicals, enhancing immunity, delaying aging, anti-cancer, and anti-radiation hazards. It has anti-allergic effect, can improve the allergy caused by the imbalance of acetylcholine and cholinesterase in the human body, and is also used in hepatitis, hemolytic diseases, keratitis, cataract and retinal diseases, etc. Used as a food additive, it has the effect of enhancing the flavor. Used as a feed additive, it can protect the liver and inhibit the formation of fatty liver.


For the synthesis of coenzyme APIs. Inosine is a component of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), coenzyme A, ribonucleic acid and deoxyribonucleic acid in the body, and participates in the body's material metabolism and energy metabolism. It can increase the level of ATP in the body, can be converted into a variety of nucleotides, and participate in protein synthesis. Inosine has good permeability to cell membranes, can directly enter cells, convert into nucleotides, and then further into ATP to participate in metabolism, promote the recovery of liver cells, prevent fatty liver, and can improve the activity of various enzymes , stimulate the body to produce antibodies. In acute and chronic hepatitis and liver cirrhosis leading to abnormal liver function, inosine can be used as an auxiliary hepatoprotective drug, and can also be used to rescue hepatic coma.


Detection of its content can diagnose gastric cancer, tumors and other malignant diseases. For reagents, biochemical research.

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